How To Get A Credit Card No Matter How Bad Your Credit Rating
Your credit is bad. Perhaps you have a string of unpaid bills haunting your past. Maybe you declared bankruptcy within the past 10 years, or defaulted on a student loan.All of the above can block your access to obtaining a major credit card, such as VISA or Mastercard.But bad credit is not the ...
From Foreclosure to Forbearance - The Art of Negotiation
As an active real estate investor you probably already know that the most important phase of your investment is when you buy the property. Most of us are getting the bargains in the foreclosure market. You will agree with me that the best time to buy is before the actual foreclosure. This is ...
Market Reaching its Peak
I do not profess to Know what the real estate market will do in the next year or two, but I would like to share some information with you that might help you in making decisions regarding buying or selling property in todays market. The following information relates to the types of mortgages that ...
Real Estate: Financial Considerations $$$
Raw land as opposed to improved property is much more difficult to finance through traditional lenders. The main reasons are that it generates very little income, development costs can be expensive, there are no buildings or improvements that can be used as collateral, and it is often considered ...
Buying Outer Banks (OBX) Investment Property
So, youre thinking of purchasing a rental property at the beach. Historically, real estate investments have proven to be a wise investment strategy. The name of the game has always been maximizing cash flow. Years ago, one could realize a healthy rate of return based on cash flow generated from ...
The Need for Affordable Housing
During the last 3 years, we have experienced a tremendous appreciation in the priced of homes in Palm Beach County, with a 30% increase in the last 12 months. This has created a situation where the average wage earner is not able to afford a home.The average price for a condo is $155,000, townhouse ...
What Is Term Life Insurance?
There are two different types of life insurance, term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance is the easier of the two plans. This plan supplies you with death protection for a pre-determined amount of time, anywhere from one to 30 years. If you happen to die while ...
Are Interest Rates Up, Up and Away?
Interest rates have been at their lowest levels in over 40 years. U.S. consumers have been able to purchase previously unaffordable homes, cars and other toys. Many have used cheap home equity loans to remodel, take vacations and pay off credit cards. Students have taken advantage of the ...
Should You Use a Property Management Company or Manage Your Real Estate Investment in Florida?
When considering investment properties, first of all, it must be determined that it is profitable and a good idea to purchase rental properties. Lets talk about this aspect. Owning rental property produces rental income which, if after expenses are deducted produces a profit, would be viewed as ...
Credit Scoring: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
You've probably heard the term credit scoring. You may have some idea that your credit score can have an effect on your life. For example, you may understand that when you apply for a mortgage, the mortgage company will check out your credit score.But did you know that the interest rate you can get ...
A No-Brainer Way Of Getting Credit And Credit Cards
What Is Your Credit Rating Now?If you have any charge accounts now, or have ever borrowed from the bank to buy a car, or if you ar paying on a mortgage, there is credit information on you.Up until a few years ago, you could only guess at what your credit rating was, because the credit bureaus who ...
A Singles Game of Real Estate
This discussion leans toward answering questions asked most often by our youthful men and women in there early twenties. They often begin to ask themselves the question, Should I consider buying a home, condo/town-home or some other type of real estate that I can call my own? Due to the fact that ...
10 Ways To Boost Your Credit Score
1. Deleting Errors in 48 HoursThis is the absolute fastest way to correct errors on your credit
report and raise your credit score. However, it can only be done
through a mortgage company or a bank. If you apply for a home
loan and find errors on your credit report, request the loan
officer to ...
Stop Losing Thousands of Dollars Every Day: Six Tips For Creating Wealth
We all go to school for about twelve years, kindergarten through high school. Some
of us go to college and then graduate school. Personally, I went to school for three
years beyond college with law school and took financial courses after that was over.
In all of that time, economics courses, ...
Creative Home Equity Strategies for Retirement
The Baby-Boom generation is nearing retirement and it is clear that millions of aging Boomers are financially under prepared. Reasons are many - poor savings habits, rising medical costs, the demise of guaranteed corporate pensions, and the dreaded squeeze faced by many: i.e. having to pay college ...