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Lies Mortgage Shoppers Hear
    December 2, 2002, Revised July 16, 2004 "I am about to shop the market for the mortgage I need to finance my home purchase.  Is there a danger that people won?t tell me the truth?  Any lies I should look out for in particular ... more...

Is a Balloon Loan Better Than an Adjustable Rate Mortgage?
  May 4, 1998 "I have been offered a 5-year balloon loan at 6.5% and zero points, and a 5-year ARM [adjustable rate mortgage] at 6.125% and zero points. Is there any reason why I should not choose the ARM?" No reason, provided you confidently expect to be out of ... more...

refinance calculate related definitions

Refinance Refinancing refers to applying for a mortgage loan intended to replace an existing loan secured by the property. Homeowners usually consider refinancing for the purpose of getting a better interest rate, loan term, or to draw cash from the equity. ... more...

Wraparound Mortgage
Wraparound Mortgage Mortgage Loan which provides a buyer with the amount of the remaining balance on a seller's mortgage plus an additional amount which is requested by seller as part of the contract of sale. Payments are made to the lender who holds the wraparound loan. ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

How to Finance or Refinance a Motorcycle Loan
If you want to get a loan for your motorcycle or refinance a current loan, follow our simple advice to get you back on the road. Never mind public opinion, obtaining a motorcycle loan can be a straightforward and easy process if you follow the correct procedure. The refinance company or motorcycle ... more...

Bad Credit Home Mortgage Refinance - Should You Refinance
A bad credit home mortgage refinance is possible for people with previous credit problems. The interest rates will not be as low as those for consumers with good credit but you can still end up saving in the end.There are several questions you should ask yourself when considering a home mortgage ... more...

Bad Credit Home Mortgage Refinance Should You Refinance
A bad credit home mortgage refinance is possible for people with previous credit problems. The interest rates will not be as low as those for consumers with good credit but you can still end up saving in the end.There are several questions you should ask yourself when considering a home mortgage ... more...

Home Mortgage Loan Refinance - Refinancing a Fixed Rate Mortgage
Refinancing a fixed rate mortgage is usually only suggested when interest rates fall, but you can also save money by changing your loan terms. You can also pull out part of your equity to pay bills or renovate.Lower Interest RatesIn general when interest rates are at least 1% lower than your ... more...

Mortgage Calculator How to Calculate Your Monthly Mortgage Payment
Just starting to shop for a new home? Do you want to know how to figure what your monthly payment would be based on a certain priced home? No problem, there are plenty of mortgage calculators on the web you can use free of charge (click here for an example of one). All you need to know is the ... more...

Should You Choose to Refinance?
Refinancing has become a valid option for many individuals with high interest rates on their mortgage. Refinancing is essentially a replacement loan, with a different lender and (hopefully) a lower interest rate.So why would you choose to refinance?You may be able to take advantage of lower ... more...

Mortgage Prepayments and Penalties for Dummies
Regular mortgage monthly payment already covers payment on interest. Any extra or additional payment refers to prepayment. Mortgagor or borrower often asks why I have to pay penalty on prepayment or refinance. Since the mortgage companies loses payment on interest, the mortgagor or borrower needs ... more...

Auto Refinancing and Car Loan Guide
This comprehensive car refinancing guide will help you find the best auto refinance package for you. Included are the important steps needed to take to understand car loan refinancing and what you should know if they are considering refinancing your car loan. This site was designed to help with ... more...

Florida Refinance Mortgage
You may be thinking of refinancing your current mortgage for one of several reasons. If you currently have an adjustable-rate mortgage, you may be looking for a fixed-rate mortgage with more competitive terms, or interest rates on your adjustable-rate mortgage may be rising so it makes sense to ... more...

Should You Refinance?
There are several reasons that might make someone consider refinancing their existing mortgage. One would be to get a lower interest rate than what they currently have, thereby reducing monthly payments and lowering the overall cost of the mortgage. Another is to shorten the length of the loan, ... more...

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