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Decline in the value of a house due to wear and tear, obsolescence, adverse changes in the neighborhood, or any other reason. Depreciation is treated as an expense and is a line item on an income statement.

Depreciation can only be applied to the building and not the land, since land does not wear out over time.  Residential income property must be depreciated over a 27.5 year period using straight line depreciation.  Commercial income property must be depreciated over 39 years using straight line depreciation.  Straight line depreciation stipulates that an asset must be depreciated by equal amounts each year over its useful life.   

19 year acrs real property depreciation table
calculating depreciation for personal property
Commercial Real Estate Depreciation formulas
deductability of real estate depreciation
Depreciation guides and personal property
free home depreciation worksheet
limitations on deductability of real estate depreciation
limitations on Schedule E real estate depreciation deduction
personal residential property depreciation
Real Estate Depreciation Rate
straight line depreciation tables real estate appraisal
trade in property bonus depreciation

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